Greetings, my fellow Children of God!


Just because this is funny and people will make fun of it, doesn't mean it's a joke. The American people falling for the two party system over and over again ... that's a joke! Schools graduating more kids who can execute an active shooter drill than read a book ... that's a joke! A system of indoctrination into obedience and conformity called "public education," ... that's a joke. "Thoughts and prayers" on social media are considered an acceptable response to a tragedy instead of ridiculed as toxic false sentiment ... that's a joke! A healthcare system so advanced that you can't afford it, but it can afford to make you sick ... that's a joke! A system that will cut your dick off before you turn 18, but make you wait for chemotherapy ... that's a joke! Calling yourself the "land of the free" when you can't build an outhouse without a permit ... that's a joke! Calling yourself the "home of the brave" when most are too cowardly to step on a bathroom scale ... that's a joke! The richest country in the world and living paycheck to paycheck is the norm ... that's a joke! A government that takes half your paycheck to "protect you," then uses it to either bomb other countries, or fund their transgender parades ... that's a joke! President Trump's hair ... that's a joke. People seriously thinking he's not just another lying politician ... that's a joke. Lecturing other countries on human rights while managing a genocidal global military empire covertly funding the deaths of thousands all over the world ... that's a crime I can no longer be a part of in any way.


My name is Adam Kokesh, known officially as King Asoa of The Garden of Freedom, Adam Son of Abraham, First of His Name, titles, titles, blah blah blah. Welcome to our official national website. (Bear in mind that this this 10-acre nation was founded on November 1st, 2024, so we haven't gotten around to issuing driver's licenses and passports just yet, or a fully developed website, so please be patient. However, to fund these efforts, we are considering declaring war on the United States and surrendering before they can do anything about it, then applying for foreign aid to "rebuild." For now, buy a tshirt or something.) Please take the time to bask in the glow of our freedom as best you can remotely, and be inspired to create more freedom, that is more peace and prosperity, for yourself and those you care about.


We invite you to peruse our founding document below, "Declaration of Independence of The Garden of Freedom," which will help you understand what's happening here. Below that you will find the "Notifications of Secession" that were sent to the Secretary General of the UN António Guterres, US Secretary of State Antony Blinken, Arizona Governor Katie Hobbs, and Chairman of the Yavapai County Board of Supervisors Craig Brown, prior to the public posting of The Declaration. On the menu above, "KING ASOA" will take you to my Wikipedia page, "STORE" will take you to our Printful shop where you can get all sorts of cool shit with our awesome flag logo and other epic designs. "FREEDOM!" is the book that I started writing in jail. It explains how humanity will inevitably find true freedom in decentralization and localization of government. On our "TELEGRAM" you can see more of our day-to-day here. On "FACEBOOK" you can watch me feed trollbait to the normies.


Remember, there's nothing more American than secession, so even though I don't technically reside in the US, I'm more American than you, so there!

King Asoa of Gardenia                                                                                                                                                                           





The following notifications of secession were sent to the Secretary General of the UN António Guterres, US Secretary of State Antony Blinken, Arizona Governor Katie Hobbs, and Chairman of the Yavapai County Board of Supervisors Craig Brown prior to the public posting of The Garden of Freedom Declaration of Independence.


Submitted at
Subject: Request for Recognition of The Garden of Freedom

Dear Secretary-General António Guterres,

I hope this message finds you well. My name is Adam Charles Kokesh, and I am reaching out to formally submit the Declaration of Independence for my newly established microstate, The Garden of Freedom, located in Yavapai County, Arizona.

As the sole resident and citizen of this 11-acre homestead, I have taken this step not out of coercion or hostility, but as an exercise of my natural rights and in the spirit of peaceful civil disobedience. This declaration is a commitment to uphold the principles of liberty and mutual respect, which I believe are essential for fostering peaceful relationships among nations.

In this declaration, I affirm my intention to maintain peaceful relations with neighbors and local authorities, and I assure you that my independence will not result in conflict or war. I am grateful for the support of my local government, which has granted me exemptions from property tax and zoning restrictions, allowing me to thrive in this rare pocket of freedom.

I respectfully request the recognition of The Garden of Freedom as an independent entity and pledge to uphold peace and cooperation with all nations and peoples. I believe that by acknowledging my declaration, the United Nations can further promote the values of freedom and respect for individual rights that resonate globally.


Thank you for considering my request. I look forward to your response and hope for a positive dialogue regarding this matter.


Warm regards,


Adam Charles Kokesh  


King Asoa of Gardenia


Submitted at
Subject: Notification of Secession

Dear Secretary Blinken,


I hope this letter finds you well. I am writing to formally submit my Declaration of Independence, which outlines my intentions and aspirations for a positive and fruitful relationship between my emerging nation and the United States.


As I embark on this journey, I want to emphasize my commitment to being a great neighbor to the United States and to upholding positive diplomatic relations, as encouraged by the federal government and the Department of State. I recognize the importance of communication and collaboration, and therefore, I intend to engage directly with Yavapai County for all practical matters, ensuring that our interactions are constructive and beneficial for both parties.


I wish to clarify my citizenship status. I will maintain dual citizenship and continue to use my American legal name, Adam Kokesh. However, in all diplomatic contexts, I kindly request to be addressed by my proper name and title: King Asoa of Gardenia. This distinction is important to me as it reflects the identity I am establishing for my nation while honoring my roots in the United States.


I appreciate your attention to this matter and look forward to fostering a respectful and amicable relationship between our entities.


Thank you for your time and consideration.




King Asoa of Gardenia


Submitted at
Subject: Notification of Secession


Dear Governor Hobbs,


I hope this letter finds you well. I am writing to formally introduce myself and present my recent Declaration of Independence for The Garden of Freedom, my homestead located in Yavapai County, Arizona.


As I embark on this unique journey, I want to assure you that my intentions are rooted in a deep respect for the principles of freedom, individual sovereignty, and the rich American traditions that I admire. My decision to purchase land in Arizona was not made lightly; it stemmed from my appreciation for the state's commitment to these values, as well as its natural beauty and abundant resources.


While I have declared my homestead as a sovereign entity, I want to emphasize my desire to be a good neighbor to both the State of Arizona and the United States. I intend to maintain dual citizenship and keep my American legal name, Adam Kokesh. However, in all diplomatic contexts, I would request to be addressed as King Asoa of Gardenia, reflecting the sovereign status I have proclaimed for my homestead.


I am committed to upholding the principles of peaceful coexistence and mutual respect. I assure you that my declaration is not intended to disrupt the harmony of our communities but rather to explore new ways of exercising liberty and self-governance. I have already received a warm welcome from the local government, having been granted exemptions from property tax and zoning regulations, and I remain dedicated to fostering positive relationships within Yavapai County.


Thank you for your time and consideration. I look forward to the possibility of working together to promote the values of freedom and community spirit that we both cherish.


Warm regards,


King Asoa of Gardenia  



Sent to


Dear Mr. Brown,


I hope this letter finds you well. I am writing to formally share my recent Declaration of Independence (attached) regarding my property, The Garden of Freedom, located in Yavapai County. As the proud resident and citizen of this new microstate, I wish to express my heartfelt gratitude for the county's ongoing policy of respecting my sovereignty, particularly in granting me exemptions from property taxes and zoning ordinances.


My decision to purchase land in Yavapai County was driven by its rich appreciation for American tradition, the principles of freedom, and respect for individual sovereignty, all of which are complemented by the breathtaking natural beauty of the area. I aim to be a great neighbor to both the county and the United States at large, fostering a spirit of cooperation and mutual respect.


In my declaration, I assert my intention to relate to the United States as a foreign nation while maintaining direct communication with Yavapai County for all practical matters. I believe that local governance often reflects the values and needs of the community more accurately than federal oversight, and I appreciate Yavapai County's commitment to these principles.


While I will maintain my dual citizenship and retain my American legal name, Adam Kokesh, I wish to be addressed in diplomatic contexts as King Asoa of Gardenia. This title reflects my 

commitment to uphold the principles of freedom and sovereignty that I hold dear.


Thank you once again for your support and for maintaining a respectful relationship with my new microstate. I look forward to continuing our positive interactions and contributing to the community in Yavapai County.


Warm regards,


King Asoa of Gardenia